Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How High the Moon

Somewhere there's music
How faint the tune
Somewhere there's heaven
How high the moon
There is no moon above
When love is far away too
Till it comes true
That you love me as I love you

Somewhere there's music
It's where you are
Somewhere there's heaven
How near, how far
The darkest night would shine
If you would come to me soon
Until you will, how still my heart
How high the moon

How high the moon
İs the name of this song
How high the moon
Though the words maybe wrong
We're singin it because you ask for it
So we're swingin it just for you

How high the moon
Does it touch the stars
How high the moon
Does it reach out to mars
Though the words maybe wrong to this song
We're askin how high high high high is the moon

There are many poetic elements to this classic song written by Nancy Hamilton and Morgan Lewis. The continuous metaphor of music and the heavens serves as great analogy for the love that the writers' feel. The first two lines poetically establish that music will never die. The following two lines establish that there is the heavens. The fifth and sixth lines describe how it feels like the world will end when you don't have love in your life.

"The darkest night would shine if you would come to me soon." This line is a so rhythmically flowing. I love the comparison of the darkest night shining.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

This is one of my favorite works of Kehinde Wiley. I love how the rococo pattern, the wallpaper pattern, crosses over onto Wiley. It shows that he embraces modern and classic art forms. He intertwines them. The classic style flows directly into the modern style. I love how the hat rests on his head. The hat stands out from the paper while still flowing with the overall pattern.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I love Bansky's pieces. They provide interesting things to think about. They are often placed in controversial places. The commonly provoke thoughts of peace. The picture of the gun pointed at the record player describes the down fall of vinyl and the rise of digital music. I do agree with his pieces. They encourage peace. Graffiti is art. Art is merely a creative expression. Graffiti and tagging meet this criteria. I think that writers and artists often go by alternate names in order to remain anonymous. They don't want to expose themselves. They also often times seek a creative name that matches their creative persona. It is very important to express your ideas publicly. However, there are appropriate and inappropriate ways of doing that. It is very important to learn how to disagree with being disagreeable.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Photograph by Melissa Leigh Kruse Lahring.

This photo is especially meaningful to me because it was taken by my sister. I enjoy this photo because it portrays the intimate relationship between mother and child. She did a great job of incorporating the mother's ring into the photo to further demonstrate the commitment and the tenderness of the mother and child relationship. It is a very calming photo.